DBS and Safeguarding training guidelines
Best practice for staff and volunteers working with children and young people
Table Tennis England is committed to creating a safe environment for children and young people in our sport, and we believe that everyone involved with the sport should be aware of the importance of Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checking in the recruitment process for both staff and volunteers.
The following guidelines have been agreed by Table Tennis England as best practice in respect of all staff and volunteers working with children and young people – for the purposes of these guidelines children and young people are defined as under 18s.
The guidelines try to ensure that people with a history of relevant and significant offending are prevented from contact with children or young people and do not have the opportunity to influence policies of practice with them. Table Tennis England acknowledges that many people who offend against children and young people are not caught and that offending can be undetected for many years. In view of this the Association urges all its staff, volunteers and anyone who is in anyway involved with the sport to follow and adopt its safeguarding policies and guidelines and to maintain a vigilant approach to the welfare of children and young people.

In case of concern, please ring our Safeguarding team on 01908 208860, option 3 or