‘Normal’ is 75% of people from ethnically diverse communities experiencing racism in the workplace.
‘Normal’ is a third of FTSE 100 companies having no one from ethnically diverse Board members.
‘Normal’ is graduates from ethnically diverse communities being twice as likely to be unemployed.
Normal is not good enough.
How do we take #ActionNotJustWords and eradicate Racism in all its forms?
Through our Level the Table strategy we are committed to reducing inequalities, and that is why we are launching our Anti-Racism policy and Anti-Racism guidance.
This looks at not only helping to eradicate overt forms of Racism, but Racism in ALL its forms.
How do we achieve it?
- Look at why this might be happening and hear from people who are experiencing Racism.
- Support people – we have reviewed our reporting processes and have made user friendly adaptions which includes, endeavouring to support people when English isn’t their first language.
We still have a lot of work to do but we want to help shift the dial.
In June 2021 a Tackling Racism and Racial Inequality in Sport review was lead by 5 CEO’s from the UK Sports councils to help better understand if the Councils were doing enough to understand the context and tackle these issues.
The review involved an extensive analysis, carried out by the Sport Industry Research Centre (SIRC) at Sheffield Hallam University. The findings make clear that racism and racial inequalities still exist within sport in the UK and that there are longstanding issues, which have resulted in ethnically diverse communities being consistently disadvantaged.
To tackle inequalities at its core, we encourage more people to join the journey.
For more information on how you can join visit:
Ideas and Resources – Race Equality Matters
How to create Safe Spaces – Workshop
Safe Space resources – Race Equality Matters
For access to our Anti-racism strategy and guidance visit (insert link)