Yat Poon will look for her second Grand Prix victory of the season when the series moves to Wolverhampton for the first weekend in March.

Poon, who won the first Grand Prix of the season in Crawley, is top seed in the Women’s Singles for the tournament, which is on March 2-3 at WV Active Aldersley.

She will be challenged by three players who recently competed at the WTT Feeder Manchester – England duo Mollie Patterson and Sophie Earley are second and fourth seeds, with Jersey’s Hannah Silcock third.

In the Men’s Singles, Larry Trumpauskas is the top seed, ahead of Joshua Bennett. Larry’s father, veteran Lorestas Trumpauskas is third seed and Ralph Pattison fourth.

The competition format, as ever, features banded play on Saturday and a series of age-group competitions on Sunday.

Click below to download the programme and see the group draws.
