Player Pathway Guide

Welcome to the first edition of the Table Tennis England & GB Performance Programme Player Pathway Guide. The player pathway has changed considerably in recent times, and whilst we anticipate that there will be continued change and development of our pathway over the next few years, this guide will highlight the fundamental areas that players, parents, and coaches should be aware of when it comes to how players can move through the pathway.

When it comes to player development, there is no one size fits all or perfect pathway that should be taken. We know historically that our best players have taken varied routes to success, but with many commonalities in their journeys. This guide will support players and their support network to make more informed decisions and actions when it comes to developing as a player. Whilst we would love for every player to achieve international success, we know this is not a reality, and we will endeavour to highlight how players can stay involved in the sport when they exit our pathway.

The pathway guide aims to:

  • Explain the pathway from club activity to the international stage, including the key transitions that players will face
  • Outline the commitment and expectations of table tennis players at each stage of the pathway, from pathway development centres through to GB programmes
  • Outline the support that may be available to players as they progress through the pathway
  • Outline how players can combine their studies with table tennis
  • Provide pathway examples of current performance players
  • Outline key information for players and parents as they progress through the pathway

Watch this space – the guide will launch in the coming weeks!