Commonwealth Games gold medallist Jack Hunter-Spivey is star guest at an online event this week organised by Table Tennis England partners Community Integrated Care.

Hunter-Spivey, who is also a Paralympic bronze medallist, will be joining the event to share his journey through table tennis with people who access care and support through Community Integrated Care.

This will be a relaxed chat with Jack, with some active seated movements inspired by table tennis, and tips on how to develop your confidence – specially designed for people with learning disabilities, including autism.

The free-to-join event is on Community Integrated Care’s experiences platform at 7pm on Wednesday.

The charity will share elements of the evening on its social media channels from Thursday.

Community Integrated Care won the Level the Table Award in the 2021 Pride of Table Tennis Awards for their support of almost 200 care services to access table tennis starter packs during the early months of the coronavirus pandemic, helping to keep people physically and mentally stimulated during lockdown.

Community Integrated Care developed a unique free training programme which not only teaches people the fundamental skills to play table tennis, but also looks at the many ways that the sport can be adapted and used to promote health, happiness and confidence.

Click here to find out more about the Care To Play programme.