Local Organising Groups

The Local Organising Groups (LOG) are formed of volunteers from the table tennis community and external partners and organisations who work with us to bring table tennis alive locally. They are there to provide support and guidance to the Area Manager and take an action-led approach to helping deliver the Local Delivery Plan.

Each Local Organising Group for each Area Network will be made up of different people with different skillsets aligned to what is needed to make the Local Delivery Plan a reality. They are appointed by the Area Manager and Area Chair and whilst the Local Organising Group meet occasionally, each LOG member will have a particular role to play with clear responsibilities.

The Local Organising Groups are accountable to their Area Manager and Area Chair, with the Area Chairs collectively accountable to the Head of Development and the Development Committee.

Recruitment for the Local Organising Groups is an ongoing process and will happen as certain skills or knowledge is needed to make the Local Delivery Plans happen. If you think you have something to offer and can help make the an Area Local Delivery Plan a reality, then get in touch with your Area Manager.

You must live or be an active member of a club in that Area and can only be on one Local Organising Group at a time.

Please see each Area’s homepage for details of the Local Organising Groups and Local Delivery Plans in those Areas.