In the 2022/23 season, the Jack Petchey Table Tennis Programme entered its 12th year and saw thousands of young people given the opportunity to play, compete and lead in table tennis across London and Essex.
The programme, which is funded by the Jack Petchey Foundation, achieved a lot between August 2022 and July 23 across London and Essex:
- 206 tables delivered to schools and across London & Essex
- 20 tables delivered to youth organisations across London & Essex
- 700 participants taking place in the Schools Team Championships and 500 players participating in the Individual qualifier events
- 60 young people trained as young leaders
- 152 girls benefitting from 6-8 weeks coaching from a Licenced Table Tennis Coach
- 74 girls attended girls only festivals
It is estimated that more than 14,570 young people have benefitted from the project in the 22/23 academic year.
The project has demonstrated multiple benefits for young people, including increased confidence, development of sport specific skills and improved behaviour.
Teachers have noted The Table donation scheme has demonstrated its value by providing more opportunities to students:
“The Tables have impacted our school as more students are now able to participate in our extra-curricular clubs, offering the, an increased playing time”
The girls programme has also been a hit with teachers and students.
“One of the most rewarding things about these beginner’s sessions is watching the girls develop week on week, many who lacked basic bat and ball coordination skills, with the weekly 60 second bouncing challenge they can see for themselves as their control and bounce numbers increase from some 25 right up to 300ish with comments like ”I never thought I could do that”.
‘I’ve enjoyed learning new skills and making new friends.
The Jack Petchey Schools competitions, which is part of the National Schools pathway has also provided valuable experience to young people.
‘Each school can go away proud knowing they’re competing with the best within London. The high standard helps the players work harder which will reflect in their behaviour within school and everyday life.’
Johnathon Driscoll Table Tennis England’s London Area Manager said of the project:
“The project once again has shown that if you give a young person an opportunity, they will have the chance to shine. Thousands of young people have been given access to table tennis over the last 12 months. The key elements of table donations, competitions, girls programme and training courses have not only provided playing opportunities both competitively and socially but a platform for young people to thrive as leaders through officiating and develop their skills inside and outside of table tennis.
Specifically, the competitions high standards in schools in the London and Essex Area has transitioned into National success in both the individual and team competitions. The Girls programme and Girls Festival has contributed to the gender split to be reduced from the previous year and the table donation scheme continues to be extremely popular.
We are extremely grateful for the ongoing support of the Jack Petchey Foundation and believe that the support beyond the grant also enables the project to thrive.”
The Jack Petchey Foundation was set up by Sir Jack Petchey to inspire and motivate young people across London and Essex to do their best and reach their full potential. You can find out more about the Foundation by visiting their website.
This season the Jack Petchey Table donation scheme enters its 13th Year. Expressions of interests are now open for the Table donation scheme, Girls Festival and London & Essex Schools Competitions. To find out more please follow the link below: